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Executive Coaching with The Leadership Coaches

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The Agile Leadership Steering Wheel

Peter Koning, an expert in agile leadership, uses this brilliant metaphor of a steering wheel for how to balance complex leadership needs.

The wheel has four components: setting inspirational direction, facilitating ownership, encourages fast learning and enables better habits to be designed that help the agile culture to develop on an ongoing basis.

The Agile Leadership Steering Wheel

Each component encompasses two tools that agile leaders must master in order to excel in each component.

1. Key Value Indicator (KVI) - creating value in the team

2. Impact Ladder - this is designed to create new ideas for how to have a greater impact on the customer. Continuous improvement

3. Ownership Model - helps delegate ownership of each area to teams

4. Freedom Matrix - a useful tool to empower teams with freedom yet also within the scope, context and boundaries of their task

5. Time to Learn - measures the learning speed of the team

6. Validated Learning Board - a way for the team to keep track of the learning that has taken place

7. Habit Matrix - this is where new habits grow and become sustainable

8. TO-GRIP Pattern - supporting the agile leading in implementing major improvements

The tools can be used separately or together depending on what expected outcome is required.


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