Debra Ross designed the C.H.O.I.C.E. coaching model. She emphasises the importance of looking towards future potential rather than past mistakes.
As a leader, your role is to lead self and others to release maximum potential. This model is a great way to frame a conversation with someone to help them release untapped potential.

As a leader, these questions might be helpful to you in exploring each element:
Clarify: What would you like to achieve in this area? What does good look like from your perspective in this area?
Human Potential: Let’s imagine you’ve achieved this. Tell me how it feels? Imagine you’ve achieved this, and you’re looking back. What lessons has this highlighted about your potential?
Options: There are often constraints around what can be achieved. If we lose those constraints for brainstorming purposes, how could this goal be achieved? If you were to draw the critical milestones from here to goal achievement, what does that look like?
Identify: Looking at the options and the vision you identified, which of those are most likely to help you achieve your goal and keep you motivated to achieve it? Pick a date between 3 and 6 weeks away and describe to me the actions you will have taken by then.
Commitment: Pop a red, amber and green against each action, green equals very achievable and very little could get in the way, amber somewhat achievable and a few barriers to overcome, red means you have serious doubts about achieving this by the time we next chat. These will show areas to dig deep into and identify if the actions are feasible or if some tweaks need to be made before a commitment is fully engaged.
Empowerment: You’ve chosen to take these actions to help you achieve your goals. Tell me, what will it mean to you to have fulfilled this goal through your own choice and actions? How will you celebrate this goal achievement, and what mini-milestones can you celebrate along the way?