In 2018, the ILM conducted research and developed a report that highlights the seven key dimensions of trust.

The seven dimensions of trust are as followed;
1. Ability
The leader's ability to do their job.
2. Understanding
Displaying knowledge and understanding of their employees' roles and responsibilities.
3. Fairness
Behaving fairly and showing concern for the welfare of employees.
4. Accessibility
Being available to staff.
5. Openness
Being receptive to ideas and opinions.
6. Integrity
Striving to be honest and fair in decision making.
7. Consistency
Behaving in a reliable and predictable manner.
Key Findings
Following the development of the seven dimensions of trust, the key findings of the report conducted by ILM highlighted the following;
• Line managers are more trusted than CEOs
• CEOs perform least well in the dimension of trust that focuses on understanding the roles of their employees
• Female leaders are more trusted than male leaders, both at the level of CEO and the level of line manager
• CEOs are more trusted in smaller organisations than in larger organisations
• Line managers are most trusted in the third sector compared to line managers in private and public sectors
• Public sector employees have the lowest levels of trust in their CEOs
• Newer employees trust CEOs and line managers more than those who have been in their roles for longer periods of time
• Younger employees are more trusting than older employees
• First time managers are the most trusting of their line managers
• Senior leadership team members have greater trust in CEOs compared to other levels
If you were to pause and assess leadership in your organisation using these seven dimensions of trust, what would be revealed?