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Leadership Coaching For Diversity

The Leadership Coaches worked with a board director who had received feedback to say that they were not perceived as a credible role model for diversity in their organisation.

The main objective of the coaching was to help the leader gain insight and awareness of gaps in their knowledge and behaviour around diversity, and demonstrate an authentic change from learning to others.

Before Leadership Coaching

The first step was to gather information, and we did this through stakeholder discovery calls.

The coach engaged a variety of stakeholders to provide feedback about the leader’s diversity strengths and challenges.

Then, during the 12 months of one-to-one leadership coaching, the coach provided feedback and worked with the leader’s and the organisation’s objectives to bring about the changes required.


Some examples of activities that the leader completed include:


  • Walking in another person’s shoes.

  • Spending time in the ‘uncomfortable zones’.

  • Sharing their journey openly and honestly with their peers and direct reports.

  • Learning by mistake and being vulnerable enough to share the learnings.


When the coaching sessions had finished, the stakeholders provided further feedback.

This feedback was one of the measures used to evaluate the success of the coaching. There was an overwhelming shift in views from the original feedback, demonstrating the tangible difference that the coaching had made to the individual and the business.

Executive Coaching with The Leadership Coaches

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